Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dumb and Dumber

Dumb and Dumber, along with Airplane, is the one of the two funniest movies that I have ever seen.

The comedy of Dumb and Dumber is similar to that of The Three Stooges- screwball adolescent humor.

But as I have heard it said by others, it is rare to find a guy who does not like The Three Stooges. On the other hand, it is hard to find a woman who does like them.

When I was a teenager, mom asked me why I liked that movie so much, and I told her that I could sort of identify with the characters.

"Oh no!" she exclaimed.

The movie works for a number or reasons. The writing is solid and keeps the gags coming at a brisk pace, from the opening scene of a beautiful lady waiting by a sign that says "Hope Street," followed underneath by another sign indicating no parking, to the last scene where Harry and Lloyd are completely oblivious to the opportunity they just missed to work with a bus load of beautiful women.

The music soundtrack is also great.

But what really makes the movie unique is the performance of Jim Carrey. His physical comedy abilities are special.

There are points where his face seems to be made of rubber or some substance that can be molded into expressions otherwise only possible on cartoon characters.

The elasticity of his movements is hilarious. In one scene, he has to start a tiny moped-like vehicle, his "Hog," as he calls it, with a pull cord- as one might start a push lawn mower.

The way he dramatically yanks the cord cracks me up every time.

I suppose age would reduce his ability to perform athletic feats like that, and unfortunately, I've not seen those expressions and movements from him in other films for a number of years.

It is my understanding that Carrey and Jeff Daniels have teamed up to work on a sequel to Dumb and Dumber. I hope it turns out well, but it will be a tremendous challenge for Carrey to reproduce this element that made the first film a success.

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